What Sets Us Apart

Quality Results

There is no substitute for a great smile, and Dr. Seymour is committed to achieving the best result possible for each patient. We use advanced technologies in digital imaging, braces (both traditional and clear), wires, and Invisalign®, to treat every person toward an ideal result.


There are many new technologies available today to make your treatment better, faster, and more comfortable.


Braces have become smaller and have been designed to have less friction than in the past. This makes it easier for the teeth to move and requires less force, which is healthier for the teeth and less painful for the patient. Clear braces have become stronger and more durable. They are also much less likely to stain during treatment. We will be happy to show you these new braces at your initial examination.

Digital Imaging

We are now able to use advanced X-ray techniques to help diagnose and treat your orthodontic problems. These new systems allow us to analyze the health of your teeth, gums, and surrounding bone in ways never possible before. The result is a more predictable, healthier, and more attractive smile.


Invisalign has made several advances, which allow us to treat almost any type of orthodontic problem and to treat younger people more reliably. Dr. Seymour has tremendous experience with Invisalign and is a consultant for general dentists who are learning the system. We will be happy to consider Invisalign for your orthodontic treatment.


The Internet allows us to use technology to improve our communication with patients and parents, improving the quality and efficiency of our office. Each patient will have an online account at https://www.seymoursmilesorthodontics.com, from which you can view account details, make payments, receive appointment information and reminders, view your Invisalign treatment plan (if applicable), and provide feedback and communicate with the staff. Our office is completely paperless, allowing us to focus our attention on you and your treatment.

Personalized Customer Service

Patient and Parent Communications

Communication between the patient and parents and the doctor and staff is a critical element of successful orthodontic treatment. Dr. Seymour and his staff are always available for you in this regard. We have seating on our treatment area and invite parents to sit with us and discuss progress at any time. Dr. Seymour will try to update parents at each appointment to insure timeliness of treatment and patient cooperation. Great communication is a primary goal of our office.

On-Time Appointment Pledge

We respect your time and understand you have other commitments in your schedule. We always attempt to be on time for your scheduled appointments and very rarely run behind for any reason. We think you will appreciate our effort to be an "easy" part of your day!

Flexible Payment Options

We realize that orthodontic treatment is a significant investment and will make every effort to make it affordable for you. We offer discounts for payment in full or no-interest financing if you wish to pay over the course of your treatment. Please visit our For New Patients section for more details.

Filing of Insurance

We will file insurance benefits claims for you. We work with most insurance companies and will work to maximize your orthodontic insurance benefit.

Online Account Access and Payments

Your account is available online through this website with full financial information, appointment reminders, scheduling, and treatment updates.

Let’s get started!